On my Way

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Cloudy thoughts, racing heartbeat, what is going on? Suddenly you feel insecurities, ambiguous emotions, and elaborate worries rise from bottomless pits of yourself. A simple thought leads to a downward spiral of events and boom, you feel consumed and confused.  It's Fear's chance to convince you to identify with it and your ego. Recollections of past experiences and nonexistent events of the future lead to unsteadiness and anxiety. How do I stop this?

Be the observer. Identify these thoughts and feelings and allow them to pass by instead of letting them consume you. Stay present and embrace the moment. Everything happens for you, not to you. Still your mind and quiet that inner chatter. Fill your mind with thoughts of love and light. You guide your own path. Be strong. To reach enlightenment and total bliss, one must journey through cycles of lows and highs. I'm on my way.

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