There's No Place like Home: NJ & NY

Sunday, January 17, 2016

I took a deep breath of the smoggy Newark air as I stepped outside of the airport doors in Arrivals. After being in Germany for 8 months, it was the air that I wanted to breathe during this holiday season. I missed my O Sweet Home, New Jersey.

I was greeted by my best friend Patricia and it was such a wonderful feeling of familiarity and comfort. Thanks to FaceTime and Skype these past few months, it almost felt like we were never apart though physical presence was missing.

Going into my house I was surprised by a delicious cake and cronuts by my amazing sister and we hugged and laughed for a while. I couldn't believe I was home.

My mom arrived hours later because her flight from Mexico was a bit delayed and I finally felt complete after seeing her. It's such an amazing feeling when you see your loved ones for the first time after a long time. That feeling isn't any different than when a small child longs for their parent even if they are sitting a few feet away. I love this photo of us.

The next day I was anxiously waiting to see Mark. He was arriving late that evening from his residency interview and I was counting down every minute. When I saw him drive into my driveway, my heart dropped and all I could do was smile and jump onto him from excitement. It was very hard being physically apart for those couple of months, but we picked up where we left off and I couldn't be any happier.

We headed up to Lake Placid for a couple of days with friends and then spent some time in Saratoga Springs with his family. It was such a great time!

Once Christmas rolled around, my sister cooked for all of my family and I was able to see my cousins, Aunt, and niece Isis. We had such a blast playing taboo and headups that we forgot to take a family photo. I love them all so much and I was so happy to spend time with them.

A couple days later, my Dad and cousins from Massachusetts met Elsie and I in NYC and we wondered around the city enjoying the beautiful weather and christmas decorations.

We ate at such a good Korean BBQ restaurant called Jongro and stopped for dessert at Bouchon Bakery where Elsie works. All the food was amazing.
It was nice to spend time with my Dad since I don't see him as often since he lives in Puerto Rico.

After many days relaxing at home watching numerous netflix movies and eating great food with Mom and sis, it was Mark's birthday and my college friends Renee and Nia were coming up to visit for the night.

Trying to get us to take a normal photo takes forever. We need to start acting our age :)

We met everyone at one of Mark's favorite restaurants, DBGB, owned by Chef Daniel Boulud that serves french comfort food. We got numerous drinks, had great food, and had great conversations. It was cozy and we all had a great time.We made our way to Bowery Electric for an 80's dance party, but it was a bust so we went to a bar I've been numerous times before called Phebes. Overall it was a great night!

The next day, we went to see Kinky Boots on Broadway and it was hands down the BEST musical I have ever seen. The costumes, music, and performance were superb. I highly recommend it!

 After the musical I met up with some of my dental school friends at a bar called The Ginger Man and we had a great time catching up and reminiscing about the good times!! I really miss seeing them daily, but I'm so happy we are done with school and establishing ourselves in the world.

The next morning we woke up, I went shopping around, we ate this amazing Green Tea Crepe Cake from the bakery Lady M and got my hair done while Mark went to a Museum.

We met at a restaurant in Upper East Side called La Pulperia where we enjoyed many cocktails and seafood before going to a great concert by Gov't Mule. We stuffed our faces!
I couldn't believe how fast the days were flying by, but I was enjoying every bit of it. New Year's Eve came and we walked around central park trying to get our blood flowing after so much eating and drinking we had done that week. Apparently, Mark felt like a panda and was acting like one as we walked along central park...haha

Later that evening, before heading to his friend's house for dinner, Mark surprised me with a champagne boat cruise around NYC. It was very romantic and sweet! I love him, he's definitely a keeper! ;)

After a wonderful dinner with Max's family and friends, I went to my best friend Rachel's NYE party. Many of our dental school friends came and we had amazing food, danced, and drank the night away. It was a wonderful way to ring in the New Year, though I missed being with my family as the clock stroke 12:00 a.m. 

Unfortunately, these are the only blurry pictures I took all night!
After spending many days in NYC, I spent the remainder of my time at home with the family and Mark! I had such a busy and amazing vacation that the days weren't enough and I was really sad I didn't get to see my high school friends and a few others, but time was limited and hopefully I will when I come home again!

Thanks to my family, amazing friends, and boyfriend for making it one of the best Christmases yet!!Until we meet again!!


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