New Year's Resolutions

Thursday, January 14, 2016

One of my favorite questions to ask my loved ones as a new year approaches is, "What are your New Year's Resolutions?" About 75% tell me, "I don't believe in New Year's resolutions, its stupid."
I'm always baffled to hear this. To each their own. 

To me a New Year's resolution isn't just an unrealistic goal you set for yourself in the month of January, but instead an opportunity to set goals that will allow you to become your best self throughout the new year. In order to know what you need to work on, you need to reflect on what went well or wrong the past year and how you handled it.

I've always written down my resolutions and it has been interesting to see how things I have written years ago have manifested perhaps not in that same year, but later on. It is very important to take the time to write down all of your dreams, goals, and wishes because this will help you form a plan that will guide you to those dreams. Perhaps its' the inner hippie in me that believes that you will receive all you wish for when the universe believes you are ready. When you focus on something and want it with all your heart, you will get it.

Here is my initial resolutions list for this year, but I'm sure as I learn from new experiences  and challenges throughout this upcoming year, more resolutions will be added to this list. And don't be too hard on yourself if you don't complete them.

So get your paper and pen ready and jot them down!!

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